Quiz: What’s Your Reaction Reflex?
How do you react to sticky situations? This quiz will help you recognize and get you to the tools to navigate life with more ease and effectiveness.
For each of the following challenging situations, pick an answer that is closest to what you would think. It’s quite possible none of these would match your thoughts exactly, but pick one that seems more likely than the other ones listed.
Your boss doesn’t seem too happy with the work you just turned in. Your thoughts tend to run along the lines of:
Your friend has seemed distant lately, taking longer to answer your texts and being too busy to make plans with you. You tend to think:
Your doctor has told you to lose weight but so far it isn’t coming off. You think:
You’re applying for a job and just learned there is more competition for it than you had anticipated. You think:
You are running late to meet someone and the traffic doesn’t seem to be moving. You tend to think:
This means that triggering situations in life, like the ones on the quiz, tend to cause you to shut down, into a more negative or depressed state. This makes sense when you think of how the brain was designed to protect you. By shutting down your efforts where they won’t yield positive results, energy can be available for survival. However, in our modern world, this shutting down of energy makes you miss out on the joy that you deserve in life. By not embracing challenges you tend to miss out on opportunities.
The great thing is that there are many techniques that help you to stay in a calmer state, or get back there more quickly once you’ve been triggered. Click here for your free recording of one simple technique that can help. It’s a simple shift based on changing one word in your vocabulary, and it's a snippet of one segment from my audioprogram From Down to Positive.
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